
Why Should You Secure an HVAC Replacement Permit?

When it comes to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and legality of HVAC systems, obtaining a permit for replacement or installation is not just a recommendation—it’s a requirement. While the process might seem like an additional step, it serves multiple critical functions that benefit homeowners directly. In this post, Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc., your trusted HVAC contractor and emergency plumber, highlights the reasons why securing a permit for your HVAC replacement is essential.

Should You Cover Outdoor HVAC Units in Fall and Winter?

As the crisp autumn air signals the approach of winter, you may be considering ways to protect your home and outdoor HVAC units from the weather elements. Covering the outdoor HVAC unit in fall and winter is a topic that has sparked countless debates among homeowners and HVAC professionals alike. In this post, Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc. discusses the pros and cons of covering your outdoor HVAC unit during the colder months.

Difference Between HVAC Emergency and Problems That Can Wait

It is crucial to know when it’s an HVAC emergency or when an issue can wait for professional attention. This can save you from unnecessary worries, costs and disruptions. In this post, we share tips on how to distinguish between HVAC emergencies and non-emergencies.

8 Essential Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

As spring is officially underway and we look forward to warmer weather, you must ensure your HVAC system is fully prepared. Proper maintenance of your air conditioner can maximize its performance, extend its lifespan and help keep energy bills low all summer long. Here are eight essential spring HVAC maintenance tips that everyone should know!

How to Troubleshoot Your Thermostat

You might be surprised to know that heating or airconditioning service appointments are often caused by a malfunctioning thermostat. In this blog post, Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc. saves you a few basic thermostat troubleshooting steps that can help save you time and the cost of a service appointment.

Why Is My Furnace Short-Cycling?

If you’ve noticed your furnace turning on and off more frequently than usual, it may be short-cycling. In this blog post, we discuss what furnace short-cycling is, some of its common causes, and what to do to fix it.

Can Air Purifiers Help With Fall Allergies?

When talking about allergies, the first season that comes to mind is spring. However, some individuals experience worse symptoms during the fall. Pet dander, weeds, dust mites, and mold are among the most common things that trigger allergies at this time of the year.

Tips on Cooling an Old Home Efficiently

Old homes offer charm, character, and history that simply can’t be had with new ones. However, one of the challenges of owning an old home is cooling it without causing a big dent in your energy bills. Local air conditioning and electric heaters company, Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc. shares some tips on how to cool your old home efficiently.

5 Essential Steps to Prepare Your AC System for Summer

Summer is here, and it is time to prepare your air conditioning system for the heightened heat and humidity so you can stay cool and comfortable throughout the season. Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc., a trusted provider of energy-efficient air conditioning units, shares five essential steps here.

Tips on Protecting Your Kids Against Poor Indoor Air Quality

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in multiple reports, states that indoor spaces are up to five times more polluted than outdoor areas due to the concentration of indoor air pollutants. Babies and small children are particularly vulnerable to indoor air pollution because their immune systems are still developing. In today’s post, air conditioning and electric heater contractor Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc. shares tips for protecting your kids against poor indoor air quality.