3 Common Causes of AC System Refrigerant Leaks

Having an air conditioner that leaks will not just run your energy bills up, but will also increase the chances of getting a large repair bill later on. The air conditioning system that is low on Freon will click on and run more and for longer time periods. So, what is causing your AC refrigerant

3 Common Reasons An AC System Breaks Down

When it comes to your AC system it can be quite scary when it has a problem. Sometimes it picks the worst time, like the middle of a hot summer day, to go out. You might find that it is an easy fix and other times it is not as easy. Those times you may

4 Unique Ways to Clear a Clogged Toilet

Calling a plumbing contractor to clean up your blocked toilet is just one of the most convenient ways to solve the issue. Sadly most of the professional plumbers ask for up-wards of 100 dollars for the task. It might be rather unpleasant to spend that much of money in this time of economic crisis and

5 Factors to Look for in a New Home Cooling System

When you and your serviceman decide it is time to start looking for a new home cooling system, you have more options than ever before. You do not need to go with the same type of system you have always had, you can upgrade to something more modern, efficient and green. Size of Unit  

3 Common Items that should never be placed in your garbage disposal

A garbage disposal is a common luxury that many home owners have in their home. This system allows home owners to get rid of a lot of their waste a very simple way. Garbage and food items can be placed in the garbage disposal so that home owners can get rid of these items quickly.

How To Determine if you have Bad Water Pressure

You have most likely heard the old saying what goes in must come out. That is true for a variety of things in your home. Your food, your drink and the air you breathe are all vital components to you and your family staying healthy and happy. Did you know the air quality in your

4 tips to consider while installing a heating geyser

Most home owners have found that it is essential to install a geyser heating system in the bathroom of the home. This system will provide convenience as well as comfort. However, if a bathroom heating geyser is not installed properly, health hazards can occur. It is very important that home owners follow the proper installation

5 Tips to repair minor plumbing issues

  The plumbing system in the home is essential to the everyday life of home owners and their families. The plumbing system allows for us to be able to wash our clothes, clean our dishes, mop, shower, use the restroom; a number of things. Most of us take our plumbing system for granted until it

Infographics about Country Side

Facts About Heat Transfer To Save Energy

  The natural path of heat is that it will flow from a hot area to a cooler area. Heat naturally wants to spread across a space to create equilibrium. There are three different ways that heat moves: radiation, conduction, and convection. The first way that heat moves is radiation.  Radiation is the way the